Cemex manufactures and distributes cement, ready-mix concrete and aggregates in more than 50 countries. It is the second largest building materials company worldwide. Poor illumination, Bulb failure due to vibration along with continuous maintenance through-out the facility lead the maintenance team to look into some LED options. One specific area of the plant had vapor tight “jelly jars” that were closing in on 30 years old. The old Jelly jar fixtures, on top of providing poor illumination and CRI were also experiencing globe failures from the constant heat and vibration and relied on traditional light sources like High Pressure Sodium. (which cost significantly more money to operate than today’s LED’s)

The Team at Cemex were looking for and easy solution, that would also increase illumination and if possible, get rid of the jelly jars (aka head knockers). Working with their distribution partners we recommended the Industrial rated (IL)(IP66, water tight, vapor tight) PLAFOND™. The PLAFOND™ has many mounting options, and these mounted directly up to the existing junction boxes. The material and labor savings from installing new conduit, wire and fittings was eliminated. The PLAFOND™ has the smallest footprint in the industrial lighting world. Its 3” deep and weights 3lbs. At 20W it’s a direct replacement for a 50-75 HPS or a 150W incandescent bulb but also has a CRI over 70.
Our compact, lightweight fixtures make it easy for one person to replace a fixture. The design of the PLAFOND™ coupled with the compact light weight body provided the perfect solution for replacement of the existing Jelly Jars. PLAFOND™ is also available in CID2 and CID1 making it the smallest Explosion Proof fixture in the world.
Installation snapshot:
- CEMEX manufactures and distributes cement, ready-mix concrete and aggregates in more than 50 countries. It is the second largest building materials company worldwide
- PLAFOND™ installed directly to existing junction boxes so no outside vendors needed to be contracted due to ease of installation, reducing investment
- Overall 64% reduction in Electricity
- Eliminated the need to replace bulbs and ballast reducing overall maintenance costs